Camp Tawonga

Camp Tawonga offers sessions at our Yosemite-based location ranging from 1, 2, 2.5 and 3 week for rising 2nd-10th graders. Rising 7th to 10th graders can also choose from epic Adventure Travel Quests while older teens can apply for leadership programs like Staff In-Training or our service-focused Teen Leadership Institute. We also offer three and four day adult and family weekends in the spring and fall. More info is available on our website -
Located at the doorstep of Yosemite National Park, on the middle fork of the Tuolumne River, Camp Tawonga’s breathtaking property and surroundings help children and families unplug and unwind for a true outdoor camping experience.
Informed by Tawonga’s group-centered philosophy, campers live, eat, and play as a cohesive bunk unit, forming indelible bonds that last long after the summer. The bond crystalizes during a transformative overnight backpacking trip in Yosemite — an epic experience for all campers in our two to three-week sessions. Tawonga takes more people into Yosemite than any other organization!